Please select sound to download - (Click on the speaker symbol to download it) Replaces annoying poo poo sounds that the A8 cars make/Author:Pudz/36KB New rumble sounds for A8 cars/Author:Francesco/402KB Nicky Grist Co-driver sounds/Author:Shane Morris/2.1MB RC Soundpack/Author:Screamin/5.75MB RC Car Soundpack (Part1)/Author:darkgreen/398KB RC Car Soundpack (Part2)/Author:darkgreen/608KB RC Crowd and Backfire Soundpack/Author:Keith Quinton/1.22MB RC Impact Sounds/Author:T. Power/453KB Renault Megane Sounds/Author:unknown/561KB Ford Escort Sounds/Author:unknown/310KB Skoda Sounds/Author:Shane Morris/274KB Subaru Impreza Sounds/Author:RCBoy/194KB Chinese Codriver sounds/Author:ConstellatioN/5.72MB New turbo sound/Author:Hernán Maslowski/122KB New Peugoet 206 Sounds/Author:kohout paja/170KB